2024-11-30 Long Walk to Durnford
Eryone's Blessing
- Eryone introduces herself as a tree spirit who is bound to this tree. She says that the demonic creatures said his "mistress will drink my power." She has never seen magic like this before.
- Eryone confirms what the stag told us - strange tears have formed in the weave between the bitterwood and the feywild.
- We had a moment, Eryone and I. We shared a brief kiss and I felt so warm and comfortable with her. It was like she could ask me to do anything and I would have happily obliged.
Eryone's Gift
She gives us 3 magic beans, which will grow a large stalk when planted.
She also gives us a set of Twigs of Divination, which can be used by throwing them on the ground to find an answer to a question.
Long Walk to Durnford
- As we made our way to Durnford, we took turns making camp, keeping watch, finding food. This group seems solid so far. A good mix of skills and expertise that is proving effective.
- Some strange weather on one of the days...it rained pebbles, then rocks, then boulders and Marius broke her leg.
- A couple of times we hear a horn blaring - a sign that the corrupted goblins are organizing to attack us.
- We are eventually ambushed by more goblins on mounts. We tried to sneak by, but they saw us and called for help. Drows, shrouded in some kind of magical darkness, attacked us along with a mage.
- Marius used a magical orb - smashing it on the ground near a drow. It lifted the darkness so we could finally see them. Sunlight does seem to be a weakness for them...
- Panalin really is super tough. Impressive the way she takes a beating and just keeps coming back for more.
- Jeremy let loose with magic fire everywhere.
- Krixaris and I worked together for the first time. I used my invisibility to hide him so he could smash another of Marius' orbs, revealing the mage that seemed to be controlling the minions.
- I saw Nia trying to get away to keep the baby safe, but she was chased down by some of the minions. Marius looks like she's trying to get over to help her. I hope she's ok.
- We could use some help...this fight isn't looking great.