Zaithar's Journal
Most of what I've learned about the Bitterwood is from stories I've heard in passing during my many adventures. I once found a scroll called a "Campaign Overview" but I'm not sure whether it's trustworthy.
New Acquaintances
I arrived at camp after an uneventful boat trip. Well, not entirely uneventful...this was the first time a tabaxi held a knife to my throat.
Krixaris is a skinny, 6' 6" tabaxi with green eyes, orange fur, and these marvelously furry ears. He must have been having some wild dream because when I startled him awake he nearly killed me.
Once we got to camp, I met some more folks who seem like they could be fun.
Nia Moonwhisper seemed intense at first. She has these deep green eyes that seem almost magical. Oh and those triangle tattoos....what are those about??? She said she belongs to the Boar Clan
Panelin is a rock gnome. She's only 3' tall but she looks tough. Dark green hair. I'm worried we all freak her out a little bit...she's always trying to stay away from taller folk. I think she said she worships the gnome moon goddesses.
Jeremy is the first Bullywug I've had the pleasure of meeting. He's got a brown and tan coloring to him and I think he said he's known by the Boarhead clan? But I get the feeling he mostly hangs out alone or maybe with his family. Seems pretty anxious. His hat is MARVELOUS.